Frequently Asked Questions

  • We are currently in talks with the Vale of Berkeley Railway and the Dean Forest Railway for the locomotive to have a permanent home and will be restored there until it is ready for heritage use.

  • At the Class 60 Preservation Group we are intending to raise the funds for the locomotive by sales of our hoodies and memberships in our online store as well as public donations. We are also in contact with Banks and Asset Financing Companies to secure a loan for the Class 60 so that we can purchase the correct that is best suited to the group and its needs in terms of condition so that we are purchasing the best member of the class.

  • We are going to divide the restoration into three phases. This is to make our time and money spent on the locomotive to be as efficient as possible with no money wastage in redoing parts of the restoration due to time and other variables.

    The Phases of the Restoration

    Phase One: Body Restoration and Repaint

    Phase Two: Engine Rebuild, Alternator Overhaul and Drivetrain Rebuild and Overhaul

    Phase Three: Locomotive Wiring and Computer Upgrade

    Phase Four: Locomotive Approval and Testing for Heritage Railways

    Future Phases for the locomotive

    Future Phase One: Once the last class 60 has been withdrawn from service we will then look at having the locomotive mainline approved and then it will used on mainline charters.

    Future Phase Two: Depending on fossil fuel reserves we will look at developing a Hydrogen head to mount to the engine block, this is so that the locomotive can be used for many years after fossil fuels run out as we believe this would be the most viable way of keeping the locomotive running, but this will only be done if there becomes a shortage in diesel.

  • We are intending on keeping the funding levels inline with the restoration, maintenance and Operation of the locomotive by sales of merchandise and memberships in our online store also we will be using social media platforms such as YouTube uploading monthly vlogs on the progress of the locomotive, engineering tutorials, and the running of the loco showing the in’s and out’s of the running, restoration and maintenance of the Class 60 as well as public donations. With further in the future when the locomotive is in a running condition we will be using it on heritage railways and when mainline certificated using the Class 60 on both railway charters and a standby loco for rail freight companies to use.

  • We have been in contact with both operators of Class 60’s and also several heritage railways and preservation groups with them providing a lot of help and providing valuable information about how to run and maintain the loco and also what is the best things to do for the future proofing of the group and the class 60.

  • We think that it is extremely important to preserve a Class 60, this is because it was the last locomotive type to be ordered by British Rail and is also widely loved by rail spotters and the rail community, we also believe that the 60 is one of the pioneers of how diesels are made/used today with their incredible haulage weights and their advanced creep/crawl technology. We also think that the Class 60 is one of the most elegant diesel locomotive produced and deserves its place in history.

  • At the moment the Class 60 Preservation Group is Registered as a Limited Company (Class 60 Preservation Group Ltd) this is because this was the quickest way that we could start up and begin to operate. However, we are currently going through the process of registration and becoming a charity but this is a long process and takes time to do. However, we will be running the limited company like a non-profit organisation will all money raised by sales, donations and running the locomotive (all profits made) will stay in the company and be solely used for the Class 60.

  • At the Class 60 Preservation Group we are not here to take this as a joke or that we are here to be like as people have mentioned in one of our social media platforms. We have the ambition, desire and skills to achieve the goal and will make sure that we will make it happen.

  • Our plans with the locomotive is to fully “nut and bolt” restoration to put it back into an as new out of the factory condition with the locomotive being showcased and unveiled in a special livery. We will also be using the locomotive for rail tours, heritage diesel galas and being used by the Vale of Berkeley Railway for passenger use. We will also look at future planning the locomotive for the change in climates to make sure that it stays on the rails for many generations to come.

  • We are currently looking at purchasing the best condition locomotive for us one that has been retired but has also only just been withdrawn this is because the locomotive has not been sat for a long time meaning that bearing are not seized, animals have not got to the wiring, parts not removed and that there is a smaller amount to spend on the locomotive.

    But we are doing our best to save 60 001 “Steadfast” as 001 doesn’t have current plans for preservation so we are trying our best to be the group that saves it

  • At the Class 60 Preservation Group we have been in contact wither several heavy haulage companies and received quotes from them for the transport of the locomotive once we have purchased it, unfortunately we cannot disclose the quotes with the public as this is part of anti-competitive activity.

For Any More Questions Please Feel Free To Email Us At: